New Horizons asks CA government to keep its promise to Californians with developmental disabilities

NewHorizonsNew Horizons is calling on our Governor Brown and our State Legislatures, asking them to “keep the promise” to Californians with developmental disabilities who rely, in large part, on state funds.   The action required is for a 10% increase in our state budget. Through letter writing campaigns and other forms of contact, we’re hoping that our collective voices can be heard.

In the field of developmental disabilities there has been a long history, decades long in some of our programs, of rate freezes and reductions. The 1968 Lanterman Act guarantees life long services and supports for our individuals but funding has been woefully inadequate…worse in recent years because of the higher prices of doing business such as worker’s comp., minimum wage increases, sick pay increases, etc.  Programs have downsized and agencies have closed.  An example is our Sam’s Cafe program that once trained 85 people in work skills.  Presently, we have 9 individuals that work in Sam’s Cafe.

We are asking for a 10% increase in our funding, and 5% increase thereafter, until a rate reform structure can be implemented that will reimburse the costs of doing business at our agencies.  There has been no cost statement method since the mid 1990s.

Please read the list of Next Steps to Save New Horizons Services: