Medicare information at Vallarta Market on Thursdays in November

Paul Davis at Vallarta MarketReminder:
Paul Davis & Alberta Bellisario Insruance will be at the Vallarta Supermarket in Canoga Park on Thursdays in November.

Gabby can answer all your questions about Covered CA.

Look for her at the table with the distinctive Paul Davis & Alberta Bellisario Insurance Services table-cover.

Thursday 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Vallarta Supermarket
21208 Sherman Way
Canoga Park, Ca 91303

Reminder: Paul Davis Speaking on “Medicare Now” at AAII Los Angeles Chapter

PaulPaul Davis will outline the basic concepts of Medicare. He will review basic items for all enrollees to know, and discuss the parameters of individual approaches to health care. Davis has been working with these government programs for more than 30 years and has extensive knowledge of the subject.

Attend This Meeting and Learn…

What to consider about basic Medicare coverages
Costs and benefits of various Medicare programs
Supplemental Medicare options


Date:                             Saturday, November 21, 2015
Time:                            8:30 a.m.
Registration/Social:    9:00 a.m
Program:                     10:00 a.m          Q&A

Location:  Skirball Center
2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA  90049

In Advance:       AAII Member & Family, $8/person
Nonmembers: $10/person
At the Door:      Everyone, $10/person

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announce changes for 2016

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have announced the 2016 premiums and deductibles for the Medicare inpatient hospital (Part A) and physician and outpatient hospital services (Part B) programs.

For assistance with making decisions during Medicare Open Enrollment (October 15 – December 7) call Paul Davis,  818-888-0880.

For more information visit

Reminder Paul Davis Speaking on “Medicare Now” at AAII Los Angeles Chapter

PaulPaul Davis will outline the basic concepts of Medicare. He will review basic items for all enrollees to know, and discuss the parameters of individual approaches to health care. Davis has been working with these government programs for more than 30 years and has extensive knowledge of the subject.

Attend This Meeting and Learn…

What to consider about basic Medicare coverages
Costs and benefits of various Medicare programs
Supplemental Medicare options


Date:                             Saturday, November 21, 2015
Time:                            8:30 a.m.
Registration/Social:    9:00 a.m
Program:                     10:00 a.m          Q&A

Location:  Skirball Center
2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA  90049

In Advance:       AAII Member & Family, $8/person
Nonmembers: $10/person
At the Door:      Everyone, $10/person

Covered CA Questions Will be Answered at Vallarta Market


Paul Davis at Vallarta Market

Paul Davis & Alberta Bellisario Insruance will be at the Vallarta Supermarket in Canoga Park on Thursdays in November.

Gabby can answer all your questions about Covered CA.

Look for her at the table with the distinctive Paul Davis & Alberta Bellisario Insurance Services table-cover.

Thursday 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm

21208 Sherman Way

Canoga Park, Ca  91303

Paul Davis Speaking on “Medicare Now” at AAII Los Angeles Chapter

Paul DavisPaul DavisPaul Davis Insurance Agent
CA License #0669770

Paul Davis will outline the basic concepts of Medicare. He will review basic items for all enrollees to know, and discuss the parameters of individual approaches to health care. Davis has been working with these government programs for more than 30 years and has extensive knowledge of the subject.

AAIIAttend This Meeting and Learn…

  • What to consider about basic Medicare coverages
  • Costs and benefits of various Medicare programs
  • Supplemental Medicare options


Date:                             Saturday, November 21, 2015
Time:                            8:30 a.m.
Registration/Social:    9:00 a.m
Program:                     10:00 a.m          Q&A

Location:  Skirball Center
2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA  90049

Payment:          In Advance:       AAII Member & Family, $8/person
Nonmembers: $10/
At the Door</>        Everyone, $10/person

(space permitting only)

Cómo obtener cobertura de salud para usted y su familia

Hoja Informativa

Cómo obtener cobertura de salud para usted y su familia

 > Efectivo 1/1/2014, planes de salud durante inscripción abierta son emisión garantizada.  > Las tarifas del plan serán calculadas basadas a edad, tamaño de familia y región.
 > Inscripción para 2016 se abre de Noviembre 1, 2015 a Enero 31, 2016.  > En California hay 19 regiones de tarifa.
 > California decidió establecer su propio mercado, llamado Covered California.  > Si usted tiene acceso a cobertura asequible por medio de su empleador o empleador de su esposo, puede que no sea elegible para crédito de impuestos.
 > Hay cuatro niveles básicos de cobertura: Platino, Oro, Plata y Bronce.  > Agentes y Conejeros de Inscripción certificados con Covered California podrán asistirle. Referir a la tabla en siguiente página.
 > Hay tres programas de ayuda económica para ayudar a ellos quien califican.  > El costo de su plan es idéntico si es comprado directamente por medio de Covered CA o con la asistencia de un Agente Certificado.
 > La ayuda para el pago de primas le permite reducir el costo de su prima.  > En el 2015 la multa por no obtener beneficios esenciales mínimos es $695 o 2.5%, el que sea mayor.
 > La ayuda de costo compartido reduce los gastos de cuidado de salud.  > Covered California es el único lugar donde podrá acceder ayuda ofrecida por el gobierno federal para pagar la prima de su seguro.
 > Medi-Cal es un programa de seguro de salud sin cargo para aquellos que son elegibles para recibirlo.  > Periodos especiales de inscripción (afuera de inscripción abierta) son disponibles. Refiera a la tabla en siguiente página.
 > La ayuda para el pago de prima y de costo compartido son solo disponibles por medio de Covered CA  > En Los Angeles, las compañías que participan con Covered California son: Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Health Net, Kaiser, L.A. Care, Oscar Health y Molina Healthcare.
 > La ayuda con el pago de prima puede ser aplicada hacia su prima mensual o anual en la declaración de impuestos.  > Trabajamos con todas las compañías ya mencionadas incluyendo a CIGNA y United Health en la marqueta privada también.


Paul Davis

[email protected]
Hablo Español

Paul Davis is a Certified Insurance Agent

Paul Davis is a Certified Insurance Agent


Celebrando 13 años de experiencia!
Sector de mercado y servicios Agentes
de Inscripción
Asiste en llenar la aplicación de inscripción
Licencia de seguro de CA proporcionado por el Departamento de Seguro de CA
Ofrece servicios sin costo adicional
Mercado para pequeñas empresas
Aplicaciones para empleados
Mercado privado (planes afuera de Covered CA)
Mercado individual (Covered CA – Planes para individuales y familias)
Ofrece consultación y da recomendaciones


Ejemplos de Periodos Especiales de Inscripción
 > Perdió otra cobertura incluyendo Medi-Cal
 > Se movió a o entre California permanentemente
 > Nacimiento o adopción de bebe/menor
 > Recién casado o entro a una relación domestica
 > Regreso de militar activo o reserva
 > Ha sido librado de la cárcel
 > Obtuvo ciudadanía; presencia legal
 > Su ingreso cambio y califica basado a los niveles federales de pobreza
 > Su plan individual se renovara afuera de la inscripción abierta

Eligible Para Ayuda
* Planes Silver Mejorada 94, 7 y 73 son ayuda de costo compartido que reduce los gastos de cuidado de salud.

Descargar PDF en español.

See the information in English.

Getting Health Insurance for You and Your Family

Getting Health Insurance for You and Your Family

 • Effective 1/1/2014, health plans during open enrollment are guaranteed issue.  • Rates are calculated based on the age of each family member, family size and region.
 • 2016 Open Enrollment is from November 1, 2015 thru January 31, 2016  • California has 19 rating regions.
 • California has set up an exchange called “Covered California”.  • If you are eligible for coverage through your employer or your spouse’s employer you may not be eligible for tax credits.
 • There are four standardized plan levels: Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze.  • If you do not qualify for tax credits through Covered CA, those same plans are also available directly through the carriers.
 • There are three financial assistance programs available to those who qualify.  • Certified Insurance Agents and Certified Enrollment Counselors can assist you with your Covered CA enrollment. See chart on back.
 • Premium Assistance (Tax Credits) reduces the cost of your premium.  • The price you pay for your plan is identical whether purchased directly from Covered CA or with the help of a Certified Insurance Agent.
 • Cost Sharing Reduction reduces costs of covered services.  • In 2016 the penalty for not obtaining minimum essential coverage is $695 per adult or 2.5% of household income, whichever is greater.
 • Medi-Cal is a program that may be at no cost to those who qualify. Thresholds were expanded in 2014. See chart on back.  • Special Enrollment Periods (outside of open enrollment) are available. See chart on back.
 • Premium assistance and cost sharing reduction programs are only available through Covered California.  • In Los Angeles, participating carriers with Covered California are: Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Health Net, Kaiser, Oscar Health, L.A. Care Health Plan and Molina Healthcare.
 • Premium assistance (tax credits) can be applied towards monthly premium or at tax filing for those who qualify.  • We partner with all above mentioned carriers including CIGNA and United Healthcare in the private market as well.
  Alberta Bellisario
CA License #0A02225
818.888.0880 ext. 202
[email protected]

Paul  Paul Davis
CA License #0669770
818.888.0880 ext. 201
[email protected]

Our trusted partners:
PAB Insurance Solutions,  CA License #0178979
Northridge, CA 91324 & Sherwood Forest, CA 91325
Call for Appointment!
Services and Market Segments Certified Insurance Agents Certified Enrollment Counselors
Assist in completing enrollment application
CA Insurance License provided by CA Department of Insurance
Services offered at no cost to consumer
SHOP Marketplace (Covered CA – Small Business Health Options Program)
Employee Applications
Private Marketplace (carrier plan options outside of Covered CA)
Individual Marketplace (Covered CA – Individual/Family plans)
Offer consultative approach and/or recommend plans
Examples of Special Enrollment Periods
 • Lost other health insurance including Medi-Cal
 • Permanently moved to or within California
 • Birth or adoption of baby/child
 • Newly married or entered into a domestic partnership
 • Returned from active duty military service
 • Released from incarceration
 • Gained citizenship; Lawful presence
 • Income changed to Federal Poverty Guideline Level
 • Current individual grandfathered plan will renew outside of open enrollment period

Program Eligibility by Federal Poverty Level (FPL) for 2015 OEP for Coverage Effective after 1/1/16

Eligible For Premium Healthcare Assistance

Paul Davis is a Certified Insurance Agent

Paul Davis is a Certified Insurance Agent

Enhanced Silver Plans 94, 87 & 73 are cost sharing reduction plans which reduce the cost of your health plan benefits.